I have a use-case to publish lots of Points of Interest (POI) at various scales and I would have loved to be able to have a single hosted feature layer with symbol displayed according to the scale range defined in ArcGIS Pro:
Scale-based symbol classes—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation
It's pretty much like Google Maps displays POIs.
But unfortunately I can't as it is not supported.
There are various workaround but they have drawbacks:
- use a MapImageLayer: yes, but then POI won't rotate with the map => not very pretty
- use a VectorTileLayer: yes, but I would like pop-up as well
- use several FeatureLayers with a different visibility scale for each: yes, but then I have to update the pop-up arcade display and labels for every layers whenever a change is made and then far too many requests are made when navigating.
Please let me know if you have another workaround I did not think about.
I believe it could be easily implemented with the great JS 4.X API client side capabilities and it would be a nice new feature.
Thanks for listening !