Support for Attribute rules in ArcGIS Online

07-15-2019 03:27 PM
Status: Open
Frequent Contributor

At pro 2.4 ESRI implemented attributes rules at the file Geodatabase Level which is great.

It means that when you copy or move the file geodatabase, you copy or move the rules.

So if you upload this fgdb to AGOL, the rules are uploaded within the fgbd. 

Attribute rules are « able to travel » to AGOL.


At the moment these rules are not interpreted or implemented at the AGOL level.

The idea here is to have the rules interpreted and implemented in AGOL when publishing feature services from a rules enabled fgdb.

It would be great to have attributes rules fully implemented in ArcGIS Online.

This would allow users to have their own QC and field calculation in hosted feature layers and web apps !

(edited 2020-07-24 to improve this description)

by Anonymous User


really need attributes rules in AGOL.

You said they are able to travel to AGOL. I tried, but it didn't worked.

Il tried with a instant rule, to concatenate 2 field.

And with an expression to calculate a dinamique X Field.

if you have any advice to use rules in AGOL...?


Yann-Eric Boyeau‌ can you explain what you mean when you say:

Now this rules are able to travel to AGOL...

Hi Andrew,


Attribute rules were first only implemented within an Enterprise Geodatabase.


At Pro 2.4, Esri made this functionality implemented at the file geodatabase level, which means that when you copy or move the file geodatabase, you copy or move the rules.

So if you upload this fgdb to AGOL, the rules are uploaded within the fgbd. 

That is what I mean by « able to travel » to AGOL.


At the moment these rules are not interpreted or implemented at the AGOL level, as you experienced by yourself.


The idea here is to have the rules interpreted and implemented in AGOL when publishing feature services from a rules enabled fgdb.




Hi Vincent,

At the moment attribute rules are not interpreted or implemented at the AGOL level, as you experienced by yourself.

The idea here is to have the rules interpreted and implemented in AGOL when publishing feature services from a rules enabled fgdb.




I have columns (fields) in several feature services (both Feature Layers and Hosted Tables) that must be obtained based on Arcade calculations.

I'm syncing records via the REST API from my database, but these new records do not have calculations performed automatically.

I'd like to have the ability to automatically run Arcade calculations for fields anytime a new record is synced. 


Absolutely, this would be excellent. Cannot come fast enough. 


We also need this implemented. Would be so useful as currently there are no ways to enforce certain auto-increment numbers as a key other than OID


This is desperately needed. I even more urgently need to auto-populate values in some related table fields with changes in the corresponding feature class fields of a published feature service. This is critically needed for data collection apps, such as Collector, S1 Mobile Mapper, Survey 123, etc.


Can anyone from INC update us on when / if attribute Rules will be implemented on AGOL soon? Would be great to plan some of my key business capability for 2020/21 which is reliant on this.


Agreed! Would love to plan ahead as this would streamline several of our projects.