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Show error message if incomplete parameters are set when adding a secure layer from the web as an item to my content

03-02-2017 09:48 AM
Status: Open
Occasional Contributor III

We were having an issue where we were trying to make a copy of a hosted tile service that was created via a .tpk (through the method outlined here Limit Access to Public ArcGIS Online Layers - Crowdsource Reporter | ArcGIS for State Government ). We realized the issue was because we weren't putting in our credentials as the screenshot specifies, which was complete user error. BUT instead of getting an error message or warning about incomplete parameters, the window just said 'uploading' and was stuck so we didn't catch the issue as quickly as we would have had there been an error message. Is it possible to add a message that pops up specifying that the parameters are incomplete for this and similar windows in a future website update?