See where a layer is being used in the Item Details page for the layer

11-25-2022 09:17 AM
Status: Open
Regular Contributor

As an administrator of an ArcGIS Online environment, it would be very useful to be able to see where a layer is used on the Item Details page of the layer itself.

This would be akin to the functionality of seeing which layers are being used in an app or map, but from the layer perspective.

I have layers that are used in many different maps and apps, and want to be able to see which maps and apps relate to which layer. Currently, I can only see where a layer is used if I go into the Item Details page of each of the maps/apps in turn.

Can see which layers are used in the map hereCan see which layers are used in the map here

Image above: I can see which layers are in the map

Image below: but I cannot see in which maps/apps a layer is used

But cannot see where the layer is used hereBut cannot see where the layer is used here

Having this capability would be incredibly helpful. For example, it would make it easier to troubleshoot errors with layers and the resulting effect the error may have on potentially many apps/maps, of which I am not the author.


Agreed, this would be extremely useful


I still find the lack of this feature frustrating. In case useful, the closest thing I've been able to find to solve this is the Python script described on this page: 

I set this up to run in a Notebook within ArcGIS Online.
You enter the item ID of the layer in the script, then items where that item is used are returned as results, which you then need to click through to see.

It's certainly a helpful step in the right direction for me.