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Search (or filter) Organization Content by Owner

12-05-2023 07:39 AM
Emerging Contributor

I'm looking for a way to filter or search my organizations content by owner.

Sometimes I (or my colleagues) want to see all the content that is owned by one specific coworker. So therefore I think it could be very usefull to add a filter-option on the Content-section where you can filter all the data by one (or perhaps more) colleague(s).


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Status changed to: Needs Clarification

Admins can view a memeber's content in Organization>Members, choosing a member and then viewing items.

Anyone can search using the owner item field documented in this Help topic:

These can mixed with other keywords, for example:

karst owner:"bernszukalski"

That syntax works outside your organization too.

You can also view items and groups owned by a particular member via their profile, which is probably the easiest way.