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Re-link view layer visualization to parent feature layer

08-29-2022 04:12 PM
Status: Open
Occasional Contributor

The new "Save Layer" feature makes it easy to update symbology for a layer across all the webmaps where there is not custom symbology defined. However, there is no way to use the same function to update the symbology of a view layer derived from a parent feature layer. This is inconvenient when view layers are used mainly to control privileges vs. to define styles/filters.

Add the ability to re-link the view layers with their parent layers to the Map Viewer and/or Visualization Tab.

1 Comment

Agreed.  It is helpful in web maps to be able to revert symbology, popups, etc. back to what is stored with the feature layer for consistency.  View layers should be able to revert to their parent in a similar way.