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Pure View Only Layers

08-27-2024 11:28 AM
Status: Open
Occasional Contributor

I work for an agency that works to make data publicly viewable. We are limited by some use-contracts that these layers remain internal to our public tools, not exposed to others who might want to put the layers on their own web tools. 

To be able to remove the ability to reach the service definition / endpoint would be great in securing data and controlling its use to those intended. 

This was spurred from a proprietary flood-model dataset that we can share the extent of, but the company that makes the product is apprehensive about their model being reverse engineered / used by those who have no legal ties to the product's agreement. 

1 Comment

Hey, for those that are trying to hide their service endpoint while still publicly displaying data in AGOL, here is the solution I used. Seems a bit cumbersome, and you do have to host the layers that you are trying to obscure. This made it a bit tricky for us as originally, we wanted to use a company's API to display the data. 

How To: Limit Access to Secured Hosted Services or Map Services in ArcGIS Online for Publi