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Organise Members wihtin the platform

10-11-2021 05:56 AM
Status: Open
Regular Contributor

Hi there,

My organization is growing and growing with more and more members being added to our ArcGIS Online platform. This is fantastic of course and I am very happy about this progress. 

The organization I work for has several divisions, such as civil engineering, landscaping, energy etc. Now with adding more and more members of these different division I am losing the overview of which member works for which division of the company and it is difficult to find the right members again to change rights, delete them, add them etc.

So basically my idea is that you can add a member to a filtergroup within the member section so it is easier to find the correct member in a growing list. This should be a custom list that an admin can create by itself so we can create our own filters. I already have this in an excel sheet, but want this information within AGOL so I dont have to check excel anymore.



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