If you click on a web map from within the Minimal Gallery template, the web map opens inside the gallery in a very basic container instead of the normal map viewer. This means the user has no way to interact with the normal web map menus to turn layers off/on or do anything else. This means opening/viewing web maps from the Minimal Gallery is essentially useless because there are just very basic controls for interacting with the map in any way. Note that this behavior in the Minimal Gallery only applies to web maps - not web apps, web apps open as expected in the normal viewer, web maps should do the same.
In the old Maps & Apps Gallery, this was not the case. There was an option in the Gallery Options tab to specify Open Maps with the Map Viewer - this option is not available in the Minimal Gallery. Not sure if I'd consider this issue an enhancement to the Minimal Gallery, more like putting back functionality that used to exist and now has been removed.
In any case, please give users the ability to open web maps in the normal viewer when clicking on them from within the Minimal Gallery template.