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Open ArcGIS Online Help in a New Tab

10-01-2014 12:08 PM
Status: Open
New Contributor III
I think it would be great if the online help for ArcGIS Online opened in a new tab rather than in the current tab. Usually, when I open the help I am looking for information related to what I am currently doing in ArcGIS Online. Why would I want the help to cover up my work? I can hit the back arrow or the tab to return me to the previous page, which works OK, but then I have to wait for my map (or whatever I'm using) to reaload. Also, if I have forgotten to save my map I lose the changes I have recently made.
For others who may be hoping for this change in the future, here's a tip you can use in the meantime. Copy your current URL for your ArcGIS Online tab and paste it into a new tab.  Click help in the new tab to avoid being sent away from the page where you are working.