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Open an AGOL popup hyperlink in the same browser window

07-19-2022 11:58 AM
Status: Open
Regular Contributor

I'm using the Share tool in AGOL (WAB) to generate a URL of a map feature, using the "Query a feature and zoom to it" and "Remember layers visibility" options.  The thought being that the URL can be used to auto-zoom, with a set extent and layers turned on. 

I've added the URL to a popup window, hoping that when the URL is clicked, the map would auto-zoom to the set location with certain layers turned on.  Think of this as a city, represented on a large scale map as a point.  Click on the point to open a Popup, then click the URL link in the popup, zooming the map to a smaller scale with the city boundary as a polygon and a few other layers turned on.

Whenever I click the link in the popup, AGOL/WAB opens the URL link in a new window and forces the user to Sign into AGOL again.  The small scale map opens, but it's not very seamless.

It'd be nice if AGOL/WAB was able to open the popup inside of the same browser window.  There needs to be an option to do this.  

On a side note, I'm able to get the behavior I want if the URL is opened from an "About" widget.  This is great, except that a user has to know to look in the About widget to find the link.  It's more intuitive if the link is in the popup.  I've also tried adding the URL to the Splash widget with poor results and have tried using different <a href> tags in the popup html per with no change in result.