Occasionally a couple of us admins of our ArcGIS Online system get an email that look like this:
From: ArcGIS Notifications <notifications@arcgis.com>
Sent: Wednesday, October 23, 2019 1:22 PM
To: [email address of AGOL admin]
Subject: Undeliverable email from ArcGIS Online
An email sent from ArcGIS Online to one of your members :
[email address of member] in your Organization City of Portland, Oregon wasn't able to be delivered due to the following reason:
Invalid or expired email address
Please resolve this matter so that your member will be able to receive notifications.
Thanks, The ArcGIS Accounts Team
This is an automated email. Please do not reply.
Usually whoever attempted to add the user to the system mistyped the email and so it bounces.
We are a large city organization with a lot of GIS users, and almost 800 named users, so while this email notification is informative, it lacks some information that could make it more helpful. We have bureau admins with the ability to add named users and so we usually have to look up the employee by their last name, determine what bureau they are in, and then contact the bureau admin or admins who might have sent it, so they can delete the invite (since you can't correct a bad invite, which is another idea), and then resend it.
It would be useful if the automated email included which of those bureau admins attempted to set up the new user, and perhaps what groups they were trying to add them to. Then we could just forward it directly back to that admin. Or even better -- why not just send the email back to the person who made the attempt, and then cc the overall admins for the system?
Paul Cone
City of Portland, Oregon