Movable popup window in ArcGis Online

10-22-2012 04:35 PM
Status: In Product Plan
Occasional Contributor

The popup window in arcgis online cannot be moved.  It often pops up in a location that won't allow me to see the feature.  It would be useful to be able to move it out of the way.

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by Anonymous User

Yes.    Moving popups is the most consistent things the lay public and technical professionals that are end users have asked us for, along with layer list TOC  with partial checkbox and one-click layer turning on. (i.e. like Arc Earth, which has it perfect, they just need to clone it)  On the whole, our users love all the new things Web App Builder and AGOL have brought. This would be a very appreciated improvement, though, moveable popups.

by Anonymous User

I continue to get questions on this, more than anything else. It is the first thing users ask, upon seeing a popup for the first time.  This is probably the single most important update to anything Esri for us, over and above everything else, even the LayerList TOC partial checkbox and one-click layer activation.  I'm just putting this here as a shameless "bump" for Esri Team visibility!     Maybe it will be in a future API upgrade?  It would be neat too if developers (or better yet users) could toggle the leader line to the popup on/off. (the 'tail' leader line to the popup might also be in the way of map stuff and it would be neat if users could toggle it or at least developers programmatically)


Also able to have it come up in a side panel would be super useful too

by Anonymous User

Adrian Patchett‌  in 4.x they are dockable: Dock Positions with Popup | ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.1 

in 3.x you can send them to a div in a container somewhere else on the screen:

Popup content in side panel | ArcGIS API for JavaScript 3.18  

Is this helpful?


Being able to dock a popup using the API is useful. But what I'm looking for is to be able to MOVE the popup when viewing a standard web map. Often you fire a popup and it covers the very feature you are exploring, or covers other features that are important to the spatial context. You often want to review the content of the popup as you consider, visually, the spatial context around the feature in question. It's not just a matter of bringing up the popup, looking at it and dismissing it.  


This is the most commonly requested feature from our staff. So please include it in the next release. I know of solutions to achive this in a locally hosted app (as mentioned above with the api) but local hosting is not currently feasible for us.


I just received a comment from one of our customers that said they would like a movable popup.  I hope it's implemented in the next release.


I get asked for this functionality fairly regularly by our users.  I vote YES.

by Anonymous User

I have observed a main issue that makes this an important feature.  Users try to move the window, and the screen goes all "blue".  In training hundreds of staffers across our municipal departments in many various professions, on viewers based on ArcGIS Online popups, I have observed this user reaction pattern. The Blue Effect...:

One of the first things users do, is click a feature. I have popups on by default now. I long ago jettisoned the "identify tool" toolbar button concept. I find this is heartily received. It is more discoverable and Google Maps has trained most users to click a map and expect a popup of something contextual.  This is positive, people are using maps dynamically now.

However, here is what happens -- Immediately after a user clicks a popup, or searches an address and the location Results popup comes up, (the other first thing folks do, search address)...  is they try to move the popup out of the way. They can't, of course.  What happens, is the browser viewport window turns all blue.  (Expecting you are selecting text to copy and paste).  I have seen this dozens of times, across professions and experience levels. This is a good reason to include a moveable behavior by default. Perhaps allow some programmability in but have it moveable on ArcGIS Online by default.  Thoughts all??


We would love to see this implemented. We have many Tribal Elders within our government using our Web Applications and this can be very frustrating for them. We work hard to get our Apps as easy to use as possible otherwise people just wont use them, adding a movable popup window would make things much easier for our clients.