I am currently working with a high-resolution raster dataset, which has a resolution of 1.5mm and covers an area of 100m by 100m. The dataset includes an Orthomosaic, Laser DTM, and an archaeological sketch. Our objective is to display this dataset with the highest possible resolution. However, we are facing limitations with the tiled export capability, preventing us from rendering the data as desired in the map viewer.
We are interested in exploring the possibility of adding an additional level of detail to the hosted tile layer. Specifically, a scale of 1:10 would be ideal, as our current limitation is at 1:71. By incorporating this increased level of detail, we aim to enhance the resolution and fidelity of the displayed data. Additionally, we would appreciate any necessary adaptations to the map viewer in order to accommodate this new level of detail.
Thank you for your understanding, and we look forward to hear from you 🙂
Ps: Sadly i can not share any sreengrabs due to the nature of the project, but will be really happy to discuss it with you.