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Make View definition expression filters free text or autocomplete

05-16-2022 04:26 AM
Status: Open
Regular Contributor

Setting view filters (via Update View) could be improved by making the filter autocomplete. At present you have to click on the box, and choose the field from a list or use a search box to narrow down the field list before selecting the appropriate one. The experience could be vastly improved and sped up by enabling the field selection to be autocomplete from text entry. This is particularly an issue with respect to #BUG-000145126 (Field dropdown list moves off screen as filter expressions are added when creating a view layer).

As an example, when adding the expression Vice-county Name      is      Dorset, I have to click on the field box to bring up the list of fields, filter the list using a search term, and select Vice-county Name from my long list of fields. An autocomplete approach would speed this up no end.