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Make the Survey123 Report Generation Tool Available for any Hosted Feature Service

02-23-2018 05:35 AM
Status: Open
Occasional Contributor

The Survey123 Report Generation tool (not in beta) is a great way to generate PDF reports from hosted feature service data on ArcGIS online, but it is restricted to only feature services that are used within the Survey123 environment.  It would be great to have this functionality for any hosted feature service on ArcGIS Online.



yes good idea and a generate and send function automatic or not to one or many user or e mail


Hello mark crow,

Thank you for submitting this idea! I've removed a few of the categories, since this request appears to be for reporting functionality in ArcGIS  similar to what is currently available in Survey123. If there are functional requests for any of the apps, please feel free to correct me.

When considering this request, what kind of data do you have in mind? How is it being collected or generated? How would you like to report on it? How are you currently accomplishing your reporting? Any expansion of your use case will be beneficial in helping us understand your workflows and needs.

