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Make options more intuitive when sharing a web map

11-29-2022 08:58 AM
Status: Open
Regular Contributor

When sharing a web map that is shared with the Owner or Organization, Map Viewer gives a warning that says "Update sharing" and only gives the options to "Cancel" or "Update." When the listed layers are shared with the public and I own them, if I hit "Update" it will change the sharing of those layers from Public to how the map is shared (Owner or Organization). This doesn't make sense to me since publicly-shared data has no problem being in a map that is shared less. It took me too long to figure out that "Cancel" still saves the map but leaves the sharing of the layers as they are. My idea is to make the options more intuitive so I know what I am doing. This caused quite an issue for me with a layer shared publicly that was suddenly not shared publicly in other apps and maps it was in. I can see this feature being helpful in a public web map giving the warning for layers that aren't shared publicly, but not the way it is functioning now.


I might suggest that it would be more intuitive if the warning was only presented if there are layers present whose sharing level is more restricted than the web map's.

It would also make more sense to me to not permit a layer's sharing level to be made more restrictive as part of sharing a web map. If more restrictive sharing for a layer is needed, then it should be done by one of the myriad of ways to do it directly on the layer.


I completely agree, it can get confusing and convoluted. I've got used to hitting cancel then going to the feature service to check the settings. Me, and I digress a little, I wish there was a bit more flexibility/separation between feature services and view layers. In my org, at the moment, we've 200 users that can view 400 organisational datasets, some of this data does need to be public facing, for which I create a view layer - kinda plays havoc with editing etc.. I'm glad we'll be migrating into Portal soon, but that brings it's own issues.

Anyhoo, suppose there's a few approaches to this;

Map sharing prompt is integrated to also show and allow the sharing setting of the feature layer

Map sharing prompt ignores the feature layer settings, relying on the user to ensure feature layer is shared accordingly.

Map sharing prompt is changed to include a "no change to feature layer" type message button or link to the feature service.

Have to admit, I like my first option.