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Improve available default Map Layouts for Printing in ArcGIS Online

10-21-2013 06:25 AM
Status: In Product Plan
Esri Contributor


I can create great maps in AGOL, but I can't print out the map with a legend, scale bar, title and north arrow in the same way I can using desktop. This would make it much easier to communicate spatial data and ideas correctly.



Note: Users can currently create a custom printing service in ArcGIS Server to create custom printing templates for use in ArcGIS Online. This idea also refers to this capability being available in ArcGIS Online without the use of additional products.


Yes for the kiddies, and 10^6 yes for your all-web corporate customers!!!  Even a very simple setup would suffice:  compass rose, ESRI branding chyron, scale, and legend.  Thanks!!!


The ability to add a departmental logo is the only thing that stands in the way of me using WebApp Builder.


Lets get this request under development please. It's been long enough now and I've lost count of the number of times clients have asked for this functionality.


Is it possible to print large format maps from ArcGIS Online?


I have just started looking at using the print widget within a WAB app for a customer and 100% agree that this needs to be improved as the option to use a custom print service hosted in ArcGIS Enterprise is not going to work for the majority of customers who are using ArcGIS Online, mainly because they do not have ArcGIS Enterprise due to cost.

My feeling is that these customers are paying for a service and should expect that service to be able to do the basic things, like printing to an acceptable level. Currently this isn't the case as using the Print Widget with the ArcGIS Online print service has the following issues:

  • The default layouts are poor and do not result in a professional looking print - Esri must have somebody that can design a better set of default layouts, so this would be relatively simple to fix.
  • The Attribution shown on the map only includes the basemap attribution, and not attribution from operational layers (note that this attribution is shown when viewing the map). The print widget allows for adding copyright text, but what end user is going add this each time they print?
  • There are not enough configuration options in the print widget - basic things like:
    • Setting what layouts and formats are available;
    • Setting what elements are included - title/scalebar/north arrow/scale text etc

These are quite basic requirements that our customers are asking for and we cannot go back to them and say they need to purchase an expensive ArcGIS Enterprise license to acheive them!


"These are quite basic requirements that our customers are asking for and we cannot go back to them and say they need to purchase an expensive ArcGIS Enterprise license to acheive them!"

This is the point exactly, our little municipality relies heavily on ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Server is not an option for us with our budget


YES!!!! YES!!! 10^6 * YES!!!


At a certain point, maybe it would be best for ESRI and customers alike if they just made a "brain-dead" version of ArcMap or Pro that was just for printing?  E.g. there's a "print to Pro" button on AGOL, it launches something, and you only get to set extents and play with the print settings, and output PDF?  You get it activated if your org on AGOL has a # of users and positive credit balance or something?  And maybe it costs set up a print to PDF, and once you get it working, you OK the charge?  Consider BAO:  the "canned" reports and PDF output are worth it, and they cost a pretty hefty fee in credits.

In the past, ESRI has hinted that the vector basemaps and the new, more robust HTML driving AGOL will allow for better resolution-independent perhaps printing???


A good start would be for esri  to include the the custom widget Print  Plus 

PrintPlus-1.1.6-2015-7-12 - GeoNet - Esri

as one of the standard preconfigured widgets in AGOL web app builder.

At least with this widget you can actually see what is going to print to various paper sizes.


As a teacher, it would be great for students to bring home print versions of their maps as something to keep.