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Expand abilities on Exporting Hosted Feature Layers to Shapefile

08-24-2022 07:48 AM
Status: Open
Frequent Contributor

I'd like to have more options when exporting hosted feature layers to shapefiles. For example, be able to export from the map viewer, based on an extent or a window around the area I need to export. Another way to export would be by the attributes, export by date or user. The reason is, our current workflow is collecting work orders for utilities (water/sewer/electric). I've made 2 maps, one for water/sewer and the other for electric. We get daily work orders and have been collecting all our assets on either maps for each corresponding utility. Every time we export the data, we export EVERYTING in the hosted features every single time. We then have to bring in the shapefiles to ArcMap to "clean-up" the points for each day or user. For example, we have been collecting since May 2022, but I only need the collected points on August 20, 2022. When exporting, the shapefiles include everything from May 2022 to August 20, 2022, so now I have to manually delete everything, in ArcMap, prior to August 20, 2022 before submitting to office personnel. In a few more months, the map(s) will become cluttered and our exports will be from May 2022 to lets say March 2023. To remedy this in the meantime, we have the idea of creating a fresh copy of our hosted layers every 6 months or every year to prevent cluttered maps and help performance on Field Maps. Our old work flow, we utilized Trimble GeoXH 6000, we would open a new file in the Trimble (that we would never save) load our city streets/parcel reference data, then make a copy of our utility shapefiles from our empty default utility shapefiles, paste them in a new folder within the Trimble and title them with "date_utility" (Ex: 082022_Electric_Devices) then repeat the processes the following day, with a new folder.  We would have an individual folder for each work day and made it much easier to submit without having to "clean-up" the data afterwards because it was always copies of fresh empty utility shapefiles. I quickly realized making copies of the hosted features in AGOL is a long process, so I knew that trying to mirror our old work flow wouldn't work in AGOL. I thought maybe having more options for exporting would be very helpful when exporting something collected only for a specific date, by a user, or a window extent in the map viewer versus exporting everything every time we have to obtain the data. I do like the idea of everything collected being in bulk on one map, but having to export it in bulk is a bit of a hassle. I know they recently added the ability to export single point features on hosted feature layers and that helps a bit, but would like to see AGOL expand on exporting abilities. Thank you.