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Enhancing Editor Tracking In AGOL to show changes made to data

02-17-2014 05:57 PM
Status: Open
Frequent Contributor

AGOL is a great way to share and edit data, but it is difficult when the workflow extends beyond the online map. It would be very helpful to those of us in that category to give the owner of feature service(s) the ability to view and/or export a list of those features that have been modified, and especially deleted.

Ideally, the owner would have versioning capabilities when it comes to feature services but I imagine that is further down the road...


Thanks for submitting this idea! This is somewhat similar to this other idea, but we will keep them as seperate ideas as this is very specific to feature service tracking!

by Anonymous User

Turns out I had a similar Idea as you did; great minds think alike, and here are some of the things that I had thought about -

The idea is to enable tracking of the application used for the creation and manipulation of data housed within ArcGIS Online (AGOL) feature services. This will enable AGOL Administrators the ability to see which application (Collector, Survey123, AGOL web interface - Data Tab, Custom built app, & etc.) was used to create and manipulate the data within a feature service. This information would only be available to certain roles; Administrators or Customized Admins, to allow for further QA/QC of the data and how it has been created or edited.

The idea is to have similar tracking applied as we do within [Track Edits] with Creator, CreationDate, Editor, and EditDate, but instead have 2 additional fields that are created and named [AppOrigins] and [AppEdited]. The [AppOrigins] field would be used to track which application was used to create the data, while the [AppEdited] field would be used to track which applications was last used to manipulate the data. The [AppOrigins] field would be a static field that would not change, but the [AppEdited] would have the ability to change and would ideally contain the last application used to edit the data. Of course the create and edit date would be supplied from the original [Track Edits] routine.

This could be set up to pull that information in the same manner as track edits does for the usernames; but based off of a tag within each of the applications. The list would be consistent; like a domain, - Collector, Survey123, AGOL Web Map, AGOL Details Data tab, Custom Application, ArcGIS Desktop and so forth.