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Enable Widgets Based on Conditional Logic

02-09-2018 11:40 AM
Status: Open
Frequent Contributor

In the ArcGIS online Web AppBuilder tool, create a way (maybe through a new widget) that would allow app designers to string together multiple widgets.  For example, create a way so users are forced to apply a filter using the Filter widget before they can search for the nearest feature using the Near Me widget.

In addition, allow the use conditional logic (i.e. if/then/else) and include the ability for users to answer non-geographic questions.  For example, in an app to help voters, they'll first be asked if they have a completed ballot they want to drop-off or if they need to complete a ballot.  If they select they completed a ballot, they'll be presented with the Near Me widget to help find the nearest location to drop it off.  If they select they need to fill out a ballot, they'll be presented with the District Locator tool to find the polling location they must go to.

Thank you.