Enable Symbol Rotation in Geometry settings within Smart Editor

02-03-2022 10:35 AM
Status: Open
New Contributor III

This idea was originally posted in the ArcGIS Web AppBuilder Ideas Community here: Enable Symbol Rotation in Geometry settings within... - Esri Community

It would be really helpful to have the option to rotate symbols using a click method (instead of entering an angle) on a web map within a web app. For example, when designing gas pipelines, fittings are depicted directionally (in the direction of flow). Users designing need to rotate the fittings to the corresponding direction based on the scenario. If there was a simple rotate tool or rotate function within the Geometry settings of the Smart Editor, it would make design tasks more flexible.

@MichaelKohn_PGE @AndrewJBeaman 


@MollyBurton A similar functionality is now supported in the Editor widget with Visual Variables. You'll be able to use this in apps that use the Editor, such as Map Viewer, Experience Builder, and the Instant Apps.

See this sample: Editor with visual variables data (rotation & size) (codepen.io)

Update the values for existing features for WIND_DIRECT and WIND_SPEED fields. Notice that the symbol is rotated dynamically as the angle value is changed without having to first save the attribute updates. This will make it easier to determine the correct angle rotation visually.


You can rotate polygons and polylines using geometry tools because their vertices get updated, but not for points (the geometry is not actually changed when there is a symbol rotation).

For points, this is only a visual representation based on an attribute - therefore, this visual representation can only be changed by updating the attribute value.

You can set the rotation by attribute option in the Map Viewer when configuring the style for your layer.




@AlixVezina Is a rotate by click and hold control on ESRI's roadmap for any of the edit widgets in Experience Builder, Web App Builder or Map Viewer?

That functionality will be more intuitive for our edit users.


@MichaelKohn_PGE I agree that it would be intuitive, but this is not currently on the roadmap.

If this is an important enhancement for you and your organization, you may also reach out to Esri Support and log an enhancement ticket with your detailed requirements. I believe this would be an enhancement for the ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript, which is where a lot of the core functionality is handled.