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Edit pop-up typeface

07-11-2024 02:00 PM
Status: Open
Frequent Contributor II

It seems there are some problems with the way fonts are handled in Map Viewer pop-ups.

When I publish my layer from Pro that uses a system font (Proxima Nova), I have mixed results online.

First, the entire pop-up appears in the browser default serif, Times New Roman. Not desirable.


But when I go to edit the text element, it appears in Proxima Nova as was expected.


Clearly, that's not working though. So if I select all and change it to default...


Some remains in Proxima Nova (see the last "*" line), and some goes into what appears to be the browser default sans-serif. Confusingly, the Proxima Nova portions do then appear in Proxima Nova on the pop-up, while the rest appears in default sans-serif.

I'm sure there may be some rhyme or reason to what's going on, but in practice this is really frustrating. I'd really like to stay Proxima Nova (brand fonts), but if a font is not available, it should be easy to change it and understand what will actually be shown to end users. The Pro UI is a little easier to use, though still frail in terms of formatting.


As a workaround, I am able to hit 'edit source' and use the world's tiniest HTML box to replace every instance of 'verdana' (not browser default as I'd previously assumed) with 'proxima nova.' This gets the pop-up looking as expected. These options should be exposed to the user more clearly, or edited more effectively by the GUI. Lastly, the options set in ArcGIS Pro should simply be carried through to AGO. I had to do this little dance to get the same font appearance for seemingly no reason other than bad code.


Update 2:

Working on another layer now, it already has proxima nova as the font family while appearing in Times New Roman. In this case, switching it to Default removes the font-family tag and appears in Esri's default Avenir...yet if I flip it to Verdana and then manually replace with Proxima Nova, it works. At first, the only difference I saw was that proxima nova was in single quotes and Verdana was bare, but proxima nova works with or without quotes when I put it in manually. I don't get it.


Update 3:

More problems. The way text gets passed through media items is even worse - can you spot the HTML entity where it shouldn't be (or the even tinier code box!)?

Removing both instances of &apos; restores the formatting to how it should look -- above, I figured out that the quotes are entirely unnecessary anyway, and if they're in there, they should simply be <'>


I mean this sincerely, and not in a mean way - where is the quality control at Esri? Do you test this stuff before it ships? At least pretend you're trying to break it when you do? Your customers are not paying some small sum, so why is it that every part of every product have dozens of glaring oversights, bugs, and poor functionality? These things really add up, yet nothing ever seems to change.