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Choose Report Time Zone in ArcGIS Online

08-14-2018 01:13 PM
Status: Open
Regular Contributor

With GMT being 4 hours different from our location, when trying to provide usage statistics and summaries on apps being used in ArcGIS Online, it would be far more valuable if I could pick our time zone instead of saying when I hand over the screen of the charts "it's 4 hours ahead, so 8am is Noon".  It's fine if the overall reporting for usage defining a day is midnight-11:59 GMT, just the ability for a translation for local reports would be very valuable.

1 Comment

Having trouble with this too. We want to be able to display and symbolize data as if we were in the timezone of the incident (an oil spill in this case). A simple timezone picker in the timeslider settings would probably take care of this issue.