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Character Limit Warning for Uploading Files

02-08-2023 12:26 PM
Status: Open
Occasional Contributor

I ran into issues uploading multiple imagery raster layers, and would run into issues where the layer would be created, but there would be no underlying data associated. I found out this was due to a character limit which was not made clear when uploading. 

To fix this, it would be nice to see a prompt that warns you when you have reached the character limit, and to suggest a new naming convention. Additionally, the files that cause the error should be flagged, and the remaining files should continue to upload without malfunctioning.


Understand your issue. When you share a web feature layer to ArcGIS Online, the name of the file geodatabase is limited to 66 characters.

Data governance is a tricky road to travel. If your path exceeds the limit, you can shorten the staging folder path, service name, or the path to the data's source data to reduce the number of characters used for this path. Would this be of any help?

Yes, I understand that's necessary, as I created a method to do a batch
rename of files to fit the length.

I was just suggesting that there either be A) A warning that some files
break that limit B) A way to shorten them during the upload process, and C)
Not continue to upload all of the files anyways, because during the process
they create layers with no data.

This is an issue because if you don't know you're layers have no data,
you'll continue to work under the assumption the process worked correctly,
which it does not.


Yes, I understand that's necessary, as I created a method to do a batch rename of files to fit the length. I was just suggesting that there either be A) A warning that some files break that limit B) A way to shorten them during the upload process, and C) Not continue to upload all of the files anyways, because during the process they create layers with no data.

This is an issue because if you don't know you're layers have no data, you'll continue to work under the assumption the process worked correctly, which it does not. As currently, in my case it was using ArcGIS Image Online, the process simply disregards any files after the error occurs, with no warning as to what file caused the issue.