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Bring "Visualisation" to Hosted Tables

07-17-2024 08:16 PM
Status: Open
Frequent Contributor

Visualisation allows hosted feature layers to be manipulated and default field appearances set, it'd be super useful to bring this functionality to hosted tables.

Few reasons: when publishing a table of data for use withing our Open Data site, being unable to set simple default views of the fields leads to data looking odd or misleading.

  • Years held in integer fields have a thousands comma
  • Dates into the non-standard Americanised format (super annoying)
  • Datetime
  • Currency fields where  there's no ability to control decimal places, we publish financial data. 
  • As above for other measurement fields.

At the moment, to ensure a visually standard appearance for the end user, some attributions are published into text fields, but this is far from idea when wanting end users to take our data without having to then rework it.