It would be cool if when you share an item to a group there is the option to apply the groups tags to the item, and if you unshare you get the option to remove them. it should keep track if a tag is original to the item, and not remove it if it is also in the group.
Item -> "My Item"
Item Tags -> A,B,C
Group -> "My Group"
Group Tags -> A,D,E
I Share "My Item" to "My Group"
Get prompted: Would you like to automatically apply new "My Group" tags D,E?
- Choose "Yes"
"My Item" is now tagged with A,B,C,D,E
I unshare "My Item" from "My Group"
Get prompted: "Would you like to remove the automatically applied "My Group" Tags: D,E?
- Choose "Yes"
"My Item" is now tagged with A,B,C again.