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Automatic e-mail notification on credit usage

09-10-2013 07:50 AM
Status: Open
New Contributor II

There should be some way for you to subscribe to something that will automatically notify you as to how many credits remain so you do not have to log into the account every time you want to review this.

This could be enhanced as part of an API to gather all usage information programmatically. The implementation of an email-warner would then be no problem, so thumbs up for an API

Thanks for submitting this idea!

Currently, the administrator of the organization will be emailed at 75% and 100% of consumption. Do these emails help to keep you informed about your account? Do users in your organization need to receive an email?


the 75% for me at least is broken and somewhat useless, ie i got an alert in may that we were at 75% used but as we had bought a large ammount i knew we had quite some time, and we didnt run out until august (by which point i had forgotten about the alert in may).  I topped up in august by 1000 credits and the next day got the 75% alert despite using less than 100 credits, not sure how it calcualted this.

the 100% email is useful as a last resort but by that point its kind of too late as functionality is being restricted for users


we need to be able to set alert on X credits reming or at least for us our burn rate is quite constant so an alert based of past burn rate that says you will likely run out in X weeks would be more helpful