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Archive/restore process for data management

07-26-2023 09:38 PM
Status: Open
Regular Contributor


We have recently been using GeoJobe's BackUp My Org (BUMO) to ensure we have relevant backups of data for our ArcGIS Online environments. This has proven to be so successful that we see the benefit of an archival/restore system for data management.

We have thousands of datasets however, 90% of them are not required until we do work in a specific region (and it could be years before we use it). We have started with some initial work that uses BUMO where we can archive off data to S3 so we take advantage of the price benefit however, to remove it from AGOL storage currently we either have to truncate the data or delete the item.

What we would like to see is the ability to associate an S3 (or equivalent) object store to ArcGIS Online for archiving. Within the UI (probably in the settings menu), provide the ability to press archive. It would then take the item details e.g. features and store it away in S3. The key is that the catalog item still exists to be viewed but would be highlighted, like the authoritative/deprecated labels, that it is has been archived and requires restoration before use.

A user could then have the ability to restore the item from the different catalog interfaces.

Thanks for your time and look forward to hearing from you.