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ArcGIS Online Chart Customization

07-27-2012 06:39 AM
Deactivated User

I would like to be able to change the colors of the pie chart sections to match our data's symbology. This would be useful when trying to correspond Dot Density symbology with the chart results. 


Looking for the exact same thing.

We have a Solar radiation map showing the solar potential of roofs so that people can see if there is a reason for installing solarpanels on their Buildings.

For this we have 4 kategories, and each a different color. We use a bar chart and well, we get a lot of complain becouse the colors in the pop-up bar chart don't match the color on the map.


Hi Annina,

We are creating an ops dashboard for each tab. That's what gives us the overall count (all precincts totaled) in a pie chart. That's embedded in an iframe on the side panel. So that's working well, but the issue is there's not a way to make that work for the individual precinct level. As you can see below, in the popup we really need the pie chart to show individual precinct results. If the colors were just configurable, that would meet our needs perfectly.


Also a relevant point: our amazing consultant Todd Lighthizer‌ found a way to change the color scheme of the popup at least. I believe you still can't choose the color, but it does give a way to have a more neutral palette.

Here are the themes you can choose:

DojoX Charting Theme Previewer 

I haven't learned how to change it yet, but once I know I'll respond back.


Ah, I get your point.

Maybe a bit tedious (while waiting for the ability to change pop up pie chart colours), but in Dashboard you could do the following:

Create a dashboard for each contest (as you do so far but including the map) with one pie chart (showing everything) then activate the selection method in the web map (layer action) and/or a Selector-List with all the precincts with actions to filter the pie chart and the map accordingly.

If you want to compare the total and individual, you create one pie chart for all (without impact on selection) and one with the actions enabled.

You would then embed the dashboards directly in your tabs in the story map (and not use the web map and iframe in the side panel) and you wouldn't use the pie chart inside the pop up.

In my example in the post above I only used the list, but the selection on the map would work as well. I finally left that option aside because it got too complicated. Observe the impact on the pie chart and the map when you select a catchment. There is one pie chart showing the selected areas and one for each using a filter.

If you have a large number of precincts, the option to select on the map would be more appropriate.

Nevertheless, the feature selection tool in the dashboard could be more user friendly than it currently is, because you 

a) have to choose the tool first (it's not automatically enabled, if you just click you get the pop up)

b) have to decide to use the point, line, or polygon etc. which is for most users too complicated.

-> IMHO, there should be the possibility to keep just one selection method and enable the tool by default. But this is a story for the ideas page 🙂

I hope you'll find a suitable workaround.


Going back to the original question about customising the colours of a chart in the popup. It still looks that this is not possible and I can't understand how this issue is ongoing for so long. I have a Webapp Dasboard which is fully configurable and all chart colours match the map style colours etc. But the pie chart in the map popups is confusing to the user and I will have to withdraw the chart from the map. Where are ESRI with this development? I should be able to configure these colours to match the map. #NotSmartMapping 


I was not able to find Katie Cullen to tag her - but I just wanted to point out that if you have a point layer and choose, "Use Layers Symbology", then the graphic reads all of the colors as black. This works great for polygons, but not for points.

Also, still hoping to see the option reflected in the Charts widget, because this gives more flexibility in multiple options for charts instead of just one - the pie charts in the charts widget are still not set up to reflect layer symbology or allow for customization. It is only the infographic widget that allows for this with certain layers such as polygons and polylines.


I have had the same issue with point features coming out as black when I use the "Use Layers Symbology".  I was able to get it to work by resetting the colors in the source web map.  Previous the symbology was what was set in the MXD used to publish the map service.


Hi Annina Hirschi Wyss and Katie Cullen!

Can we please get an answer on whether ESRI will allow users to change the colors in a pie chart embedded in a pop-up in ArcGIS Online?  It is now 2019 - and would really help visualize the data of individual features.  There are 2 great examples from Andrew and Daragh here of why it is needed, and how badly the charts in the pop-ups fail without being about to change the colors to match the legend.  We need this for a public map we are creating. 

Or has anyone been able to use javascript/arcade to do this?

Thank you!!!


A work around would be to create the graph in a different application and add it as an image in pop-up configuration.  


Bizarre this wouldn't come standard when these charts were made an option. 

Maybe we will have to use Tableau