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Allow restriction of access to REST-URLs

05-23-2022 11:34 PM
Status: Open
Emerging Contributor

With regard to the legislation and rights of use that are applied in Germany (rather restrictive e.g. in comparison to the USA), our organization would appreciate the possibility to restrict access to the REST-URL of AGOL-items using for example a slider or a checkbox. The problem with legislation occurs at the point where we make an AGOL-application public. The solution would be to include something similar to the possibility within ArcGIS Server (img_1 & img_2) to close the REST access entirely. I created an example for AGOL showcasing a checkbox (red rectangle in img_3). Plus, a possibility to add URLs for which the access is allowed would be useful.

Currently, we comply with the rights of use using the method described here: How To: Limit access to secured hosted services or map services in ArcGIS Online for public-facing w.... This method creates a layer connected to the original feature service while storing credentials. Afterwards, the access to the connected layer can be restricted to be displayed only within an experience, a web map etc. Carrying out this process for all our data is however quite tedious, especially if the application in question involves layers that were already shared with the public. Additionally, because of the growing number of layers in our organization, it's harder to keep everything organized. Lastly, this method does not work for all types of layers, for example, it is not an option for our vector tiles.