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Allow for selection and deletion of multiple/many records in Web Map

11-19-2015 03:43 PM
Status: Open
Occasional Contributor
For a feature layer in a web map, the user should be able to do a spatial or attribute selection that results in multiple records.  This would be much more powerful and faster than just clicking on individual records in the table.  It should then be possible for the user to delete those records.  An extension would be to allow for column operations, e.g., mass calculaton of a column value.
1 Comment
Exactly!  Isn't that what sets GIS data apart from tablular data - the spatial aspect of it.  I still can't believe that this isn't possible.  I thought I surely overlooked a template or widget and would be able to do it in a map if nothing else on ArcGIS online.  They kind of have this in the Public Notification App if it would accept a 0 for a buffer & if you want mailing labels as your output.