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Allow default Item views in AGOL Groups

04-21-2017 12:01 PM
Status: Implemented
Frequent Contributor

Create default item view in ArcGIS Online Groups.  Often users don't need to see all the items that get shared to a group in order to use applications that are created for their use.  For instance, a user may want to use an App that includes a web map and 5 feature services that are shared to the group.  Having a default view that displays only the Apps in the group will keep users from being overwhelmed by items that they don't have a need for and just confuse matters.

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by Anonymous User

Hi @ChristopherThompson - this is now implemented with the addition of featured content in Groups at the September 2021 update. See the references below for more information about this feature:

Please let us know your feedback on this feature, and thanks for submitting the idea. 
