WAB Queries - Ability to Query Across Multiple Fields and Layers
Multiple fields -- would be nice to have an option to place one user input filter box that looks in multiple columns in the same dataset. This would help for long name / short name / abbreviations / alt. name issues.
Multiple layers -- this idea is one that would solve a bit more of the cartography vs. analysis challenge. Right now, I might have structures in a group layer with three sublayers and separate queries / symbologies / layer properties, etc. However, in order to query the whole set properly (without making three different queries {which wastes list space}), I have to carry a "full set" in the bottom of the group layer, turned off and ask my query to operate upon that. I realize allowing users to query across multiple layers opens up numerous cans of worms, but perhaps a schema check / warning before allowing this solves some of the problem? I am mainly wanting to do this on like-schema items, but I can see utility for the opposite as well.