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Add List View option for Gallery Templates (for iframe) AGOL

01-26-2014 09:17 AM
Status: Open
Occasional Contributor

Add the "List View" option when site publisher/administrator chooses to embed a gallery iframe into a website.  This functionality would work nicely when used with a gallery that includes layer packages. Users would have the option of viewing the item details, opening directly in ArcGIS for Desktop, or downloading the layer package.  This would help the user streamline their workflow by viewing item details and verifying that they are using authoritative content in the project.  This would also help AGOL customers greatly by not requiring them to customize the gallery.  The "Grid View" works fine for maps and apps - not so well for data downloads.  See the SANDAG Data Downloads group as an example.

1 Comment
by Anonymous User

Hi Pat Landrum‌,

Came across this idea recently as there were some updates related to our Category Gallery web app. The updates were not related to your list view question, but I wanted to reach out to see if the List View option in Category Gallery addresses this idea. 

Explore content with Category Gallery 

