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ability to edit Creator, CreationDate, Editor, EditDate

04-08-2016 04:36 AM
Status: Open
Occasional Contributor
Add the ability to edit Creator, CreationDate, Editor, EditDate or to republish data with existing value of this attribute. This is important when publishing historical data or republish data after accidently deleting or corrupting your feature service in AGOL.

I'm in shock that this isn't possible.  It's a real problem.


Agreed this would be of high value to our organization.

There are some semi-work arounds such as 'Append data to Layer' (logged in per individual user that you want to assign the 'Creator' of the data to) but this is very very inefficient.

I do understand the requirement to maintain integrity of such fields - but when staff members change (ie 'Creator's), AGOL user names change etc etc... the re-assignment of the 'Creator' (+ CreationDate, Editor, EditDate) is crucial to transition & persist data integrity and ownership.

If some form of editing of these fields were offered to data administrators this would be a huge bonus to our organization. Not being able to do so limits our organizations use of the ArcGIS online platform in across the board.


I come across this problem now. I totally agree with Pat O'Brien and Richard Jansen.