Overwrite ArcGIS Online Feature Service using Truncate and Append

04-24-2020 05:57 AM

Overwrite ArcGIS Online Feature Service using Truncate and Append

You may have a need to overwrite an ArcGIS Online hosted feature service due to feature and/or attribute updates.  However, this could cause some data loss such as pop-ups, symbology changes, etc in the hosted feature service.  For example, you will receive a warning about this when you try to overwrite a feature service in ArcGIS Pro:


One way around this is to use the ArcGIS API for Python.  If you are the data owner, or Administrator, you can truncate the feature service, and then append data.  This is essentially an overwrite of the feature service.  The below script will do this by specifying a local feature class and the item id of the feature service you wish to update.  The script will then execute the following steps:

  • export the feature class to a temporary File Geodatabase
  • zip the File Geodatabase
  • upload the zipped File Geodatabase to AGOL
  • truncate the feature service
  • append the zipped File Geodatabase to the feature service
  • delete the uploaded zipped File Geodatabase in AGOL
  • delete the local zipped File Geodatabase
  • delete the temporary File Geodatabase


Here is an explanation of the script variables:

  • username = ArcGIS Online username
  • password = ArcGIS Online username password
  • fc = path to feature class used to update feature service
  • fsItemId = the item id of the ArcGIS Online feature service
  • featureService = True if updating a Feature Service, False if updating a Hosted Table
  • hostedTable = True is updating a Hosted Table, False if updating a Feature Service
  • layerIndex = feature service layer index
  • disableSynce = True to disable sync, and then re-enable sync after append, False to not disable sync. Set to True if sync is not enabled


Note:  For this script to work, the field names in the feature class must match the field names in the hosted feature service.  The hosted feature service can have additional fields, though.

A video of the workflow can be found at the link below:





import arcpy, os, time, uuid
from zipfile import ZipFile
from arcgis.gis import GIS
import arcgis.features

# Overwrite Output
arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True

# Variables
username = "jskinner_rats"                                    # AGOL Username
password = "********"                                         # AGOL Password
fc = r"c:\projects\GeoNET\GeoNET.gdb\FACILITIES"              # Path to Feature Class/Table
fsItemId = "9d2c07aaf82249108d8669ef976e4542"                 # Feature Service Item ID to update
featureService = True                                         # True if updating a Feature Service, False if updating a Hosted Table
hostedTable = False                                           # True is updating a Hosted Table, False if updating a Feature Service
layerIndex = 0                                                # Layer Index
disableSync = True                                            # True to disable sync, and then re-enable sync after append, False to not disable sync.  Set to True if sync is not enabled
updateSchema = True                                           # True will remove/add fields from feature service keeping schema in-sync, False will not remove/add fields

# Start Timer
startTime = time.time()

# Create GIS object
print("Connecting to AGOL")
gis = GIS("https://www.arcgis.com", username, password)

# Create UUID variable for GDB
gdbId = str(uuid.uuid1())

# Function to Zip FGD
def zipDir(dirPath, zipPath):
    '''Zip File Geodatabase'''
    zipf = ZipFile(zipPath , mode='w')
    gdb = os.path.basename(dirPath)
    for root, _ , files in os.walk(dirPath):
        for file in files:
            if 'lock' not in file:
               filePath = os.path.join(root, file)
               zipf.write(filePath , os.path.join(gdb, file))

print("Creating temporary File Geodatabase")
gdb = arcpy.CreateFileGDB_management(arcpy.env.scratchFolder, gdbId)[0]

# Export featureService classes to temporary File Geodatabase
fcName = os.path.basename(fc)
fcName = fcName.split('.')[-1]
print(f"Exporting {fcName} to temp FGD")
if featureService == True:
    arcpy.conversion.FeatureClassToFeatureClass(fc, gdb, fcName)
elif hostedTable == True:
    arcpy.conversion.TableToTable(fc, gdb, fcName)

# Zip temp FGD
print("Zipping temp FGD")
zipDir(gdb, gdb + ".zip")

# Upload zipped File Geodatabase
print("Uploading File Geodatabase")
fgd_properties={'title':gdbId, 'tags':'temp file geodatabase', 'type':'File Geodatabase'}
fgd_item = gis.content.add(item_properties=fgd_properties, data=gdb + ".zip")

# Get featureService/hostedTable layer
serviceLayer = gis.content.get(fsItemId)
if featureService == True:
    fLyr = serviceLayer.layers[layerIndex]
elif hostedTable == True:
    fLyr = serviceLayer.tables[layerIndex]

# Truncate Feature Service
# If views exist, or disableSync = False use delete_features.  OBJECTIDs will not reset
flc = arcgis.features.FeatureLayerCollection(serviceLayer.url, gis)
hasViews = False
    if flc.properties.hasViews == True:
        print("Feature Service has view(s)")
        hasViews = True
    hasViews = False

if hasViews == True or disableSync == False:
    objectIdField = fLyr.manager.properties.objectIdField
    # Get Min OBJECTID
    minOID = fLyr.query(out_statistics=[{"statisticType": "MIN", "onStatisticField": objectIdField, "outStatisticFieldName": "MINOID"}])
    minOBJECTID = minOID.features[0].attributes['MINOID']

    # Get Max OBJECTID
    maxOID = fLyr.query(out_statistics=[{"statisticType": "MAX", "onStatisticField": objectIdField, "outStatisticFieldName": "MAXOID"}])
    maxOBJECTID = maxOID.features[0].attributes['MAXOID']

    # If more than 2,000 features, delete in 2000 increments
    if (maxOBJECTID - minOBJECTID) > 2000:
        print("Deleting features")
        x = minOBJECTID
        y = x + 1999
        while x < maxOBJECTID:
            query = f"{objectIdField} >= {x} AND {objectIdField} <= {y}"
            x += 2000
            y += 2000
    # Else if less than 2,000 features, delete all
        print("Deleting features")

# If no views and disableSync is True: disable Sync, truncate, and then re-enable Sync.  OBJECTIDs will reset
elif hasViews == False and disableSync == True:
    if flc.properties.syncEnabled == True:
        print("Disabling Sync")
        properties = flc.properties.capabilities
        updateDict = {"capabilities": "Query", "syncEnabled": False}
        print("Truncating Feature Service")
        print("Enabling Sync")
        updateDict = {"capabilities": properties, "syncEnabled": True}
        print("Truncating Feature Service")

# Schema Sync
if updateSchema == True:
    # Get feature service fields
    print("Get feature service fields")
    featureServiceFields = {}
    for field in fLyr.manager.properties.fields:
        if field.type != 'esriFieldTypeOID' and 'Shape_' not in field.name and 'GlobalID' not in field.name:
            featureServiceFields[field.name] = field.type

    # Get feature class/table fields
    print("Get feature class/table fields")
    featureClassFields = {}
    arcpy.env.workspace = gdb
    if hostedTable == True:
        for field in arcpy.ListFields(fc):
            if field.type != 'OID' and field.type != 'Geometry' and 'GlobalID' not in field.name:
                featureClassFields[field.name] = field.type
        for field in arcpy.ListFields(fc):
            if field.type != 'OID' and field.type != 'Geometry' and 'Shape_' not in field.name and 'GlobalID' not in field.name:
                featureClassFields[field.name] = field.type

    minusSchemaDiff = set(featureServiceFields) - set(featureClassFields)
    addSchemaDiff = set(featureClassFields) - set(featureServiceFields)

    # Delete removed fields
    if len(minusSchemaDiff) > 0:
        print("Deleting removed fields")
        for key in minusSchemaDiff:
            print(f"\tDeleting field {key}")
            remove_field = {
                "name": key,
                "type": featureServiceFields[key]
            update_dict = {"fields": [remove_field]}

    # Create additional fields
    fieldTypeDict = {}
    fieldTypeDict['Date'] = 'esriFieldTypeDate'
    fieldTypeDict['Double'] = 'esriFieldTypeDouble'
    fieldTypeDict['Integer'] = 'esriFieldTypeInteger'
    fieldTypeDict['String'] = 'esriFieldTypeString'
    if len(addSchemaDiff) > 0:
        print("Adding additional fields")
        for key in addSchemaDiff:
            print(f"\tAdding field {key}")
            if fieldTypeDict[featureClassFields[key]] == 'esriFieldTypeString':
                new_field = {
                    "name": key,
                    "type": fieldTypeDict[featureClassFields[key]],
                    "length": [field.length for field in arcpy.ListFields(fc, key)][0]
                new_field = {
                    "name": key,
                    "type": fieldTypeDict[featureClassFields[key]]

            update_dict = {"fields": [new_field]}

# Append features from featureService class/hostedTable
print("Appending features")
fLyr.append(item_id=fgd_item.id, upload_format="filegdb", upsert=False, field_mappings=[])

# Delete Uploaded File Geodatabase
print("Deleting uploaded File Geodatabase")

# Delete temporary File Geodatabase and zip file
print("Deleting temporary FGD and zip file")
os.remove(gdb + ".zip")

endTime = time.time()
elapsedTime = round((endTime - startTime) / 60, 2)
print("Script finished in {0} minutes".format(elapsedTime))




Update 3/3/2023:  Added the ability to add/remove fields from feature service keeping schemas in-sync.  For example, if a field(s) is added/removed from the feature class, it will also add/remove the field(s) from the feature service


Regular Contributor

@JakeSkinner No, I used this kind of script


which should work since it's from ESRI 'documentation'

Esri Esteemed Contributor


You can post your script, or I would recommend trying the one in this document to see if you get the same error.  

Frequent Contributor

I am encountering an error when attempting to use this script and I am unsure of the reason behind it. Thank you.





Esri Esteemed Contributor

@neomapper can you share the AGOL service to a Group and invite my AGOL account (jskinner_rats)?  I can take a look.

Version history
Last update:
‎12-07-2023 09:34 AM
Updated by: