Download ArcGIS Online Feature Service or ArcGIS Server Feature/Map Service

07-17-2015 06:12 AM

Download ArcGIS Online Feature Service or ArcGIS Server Feature/Map Service

I've come across a lot of users that have requested the ability to download ArcGIS Online Hosted Feature Services and ArcGIS Server Feature/Map Services. See that attached tool to do just this.  The tool will also allow you to download attachments from ArcGIS Online Hosted Feature Services.  Hope users find this helpful and useful.

Update 8/10/17:  Tool will now download geodatabase coded value domains.  Also, consolidatde the 2x and 3x version into one tool.  The tool can be run from either ArcGIS Pro or ArcGIS Desktop.

Update 11/13/17:  Tool now supports using a where clause to query the service.

Update 3/14/17:  Updated to a single script for ArcMap/Pro using the requests module

Update 1/17/19:  Thanks to Adam Eversole‌ for pointing out that this tool's functionality can now be handled by ArcGIS Pro's Feature Class to Feature Class tool:

Occasional Explorer

This tool is extremely helpful, and I just wanted to thank @JakeSkinner for creating this.

I was able to pull services from GIS Rest Service for a county, that otherwise, had no publicly available .shp, .DWG, etc.

Thanks again and curious to see where else I might be able to implement this.

New Contributor

Anyone had an issue with the ArcGIS Pro tool where the feature class downloads but the features do not display as they have '0' in the Shape_Length and Shape_Area field? A point dataset downloaded fine from the same service URL.

New Explorer

Is there any way to get this tool to work with ArcGIS Pro's Basic license? I am receiving the following message after running the tool:  

! ArcGIS for Desktop Standarad license is required to extract attachments
!Failed to execute (DownloadService).

Version history
Last update:
‎07-17-2015 06:12 AM
Updated by: