Hello everyone,
I am currently testing in AGOL the editing of a feature class using a feature layer. I was able to edit a layer in SDE creating a web application that uses a Template or a Web App Builder in AGOL. Both versions work fine but they are very limited in the customization of attributes. In my case I need to populate a field MunicipalityID with the value of the municipality polygon intersecting my point feature. And same thing for CommissionDistricID. Also the feature ID attribute is a sequential number that gets increased every time a feature gets created.
I am working with Oracle 11G and ArcSDE 10.2.
How can I initialize an attribute when digitizing a new feature with Web App builder?
- populate an attribute with the value intersected with the Municipalities or Commission District layer
- call an Oracle Sequencer to get the next number on the sequence
- any other similar operation we can do with a calculate field.