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Your Ideas in the September 2020 ArcGIS Online Update

10-02-2020 04:18 PM
by Anonymous User
Not applicable
4 0 2,952

You may have noticed that ArcGIS Online just underwent its fall update! The team implemented several ArcGIS Ideas‌ in this release - they're administration-heavy this time around, so big thanks to administrators for letting us know your feedback. Check out the list below for the details. 


Configurable tabs in the navigation bar


Administrators can now control which tabs are visible in their organization’s navigation bar for anonymous visitors, organization members, and those who have/don't have map or scene creation privileges. Check out the documentation on this new feature and the blog for a more in-depth description. 



Implemented ideas:


For AGOL home page, ability to hide menu items 


Credit and Activity reports for administrators


The new Credit and Activity reports give administrators the ability to monitor credit transactions and assess organization, member, group, and user activity.  A column for file storage size and feature service storage size has also been added to the Items report first released in the June 2020 update. Check out the blog on reports and the documentation for more information on the updates. 



Implemented ideas:


ArcGIS Online – Exportable Reports For All Credit Usage Types 


Partially implemented ideas:


AGO credit usage download improvements 

Overview individual credit charges for items 

AGO content management - show/sort by size on content pages 




Thanks again for contributing your feedback to the ArcGIS Ideas‌ community, and please continue letting us know how new functionality and improvements to existing features would help your workflows and use cases.