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You Can Impact the Design of ArcGIS Online With Just a Click

06-26-2017 09:12 AM
Esri Frequent Contributor
2 0 449

Check out this new ArcGIS Blog by Paul Ross‌ about the Esri User Experience Improvement Program

Many of you provide feedback on ArcGIS Online to the team in lots of different ways … using the ideas site, meeting with us at the UC, via twitter and all kinds of other discussions and communications. Everyone on the team highly values what you tell us and we work hard to build software for you that’s got the functionality you are looking for and is easy to use.

In the June update to ArcGIS Online you will have another way to contribute to the design and development of ArcGIS Online: by opting your organization in to the Esri User Experience Improvement program. This isn’t a new program at Esri – other products like Pro, ArcMap and Esri Maps for Office have been successfully using this program for years. Here are some details about the new ArcGIS Online program and why your organization should opt-in:

The Program
The Esri User Experience Improvement program allows all of you to provide us with feedback and have a voice in the development and design of ArcGIS Online just by using the software. When you participate in the program we will get an anonymous view across all participating organizations of features being used, what’s working and how you use the software. We will use this information as one way to get gain an in-depth understanding and look for ways to improve the software. Participation in EUEI is completely voluntary and your organization can opt in or out at any time. The collection and submission of information is completely unobtrusive and has no impact on members’ use of the software.

Information that is shared with Esri
Examples of the data that is collected include whether search results were clicked, how often users cancel out of a dialog box, errors encountered in workflows, how long you use the software and details about the browser you use.

Information that is NOT shared with Esri
The program is completely optional and anonymous; and none of the information collected is used to identify or contact members of your organization. We don’t collect any personal information related to you or your organization or any specifics about any data you may be using. Nothing collected through this program would allow us to link the information back to an individual user or organization. Everything we collect is completely anonymous, you have our word, and it meets the guidelines of the Esri Privacy Policy.

Benefits to your organization
Providing this information gives us insight into what’s working in our software and where we can make improvements. The benefit to your organization is that through participation you get even better software that fits the workflow of your organization. It’s another way you and your organization can contribute and influence the design and development of ArcGIS Online.

How to Participate
After the update to ArcGIS Online (currently planned for the evening of June 27, 2017) administrators will be able to go into the General Settings for their organization to control their participation in the Esri User Experience Program:

Once you’ve checked the box to participate there isn’t anything more you’ll need to do, it’s automatic and won’t interrupt your work or performance at all.

Please let us know if you have any questions and thanks for participating!

About the Author
I love interactive maps and apps on the internet! The maps and apps that customers create and share on the web, make my job awesome. I'm a Product Manager with the ArcGIS Online team in Redlands, California. I am a proud graduate from Carleton University and the COGS in Canada, with research focus' in Health Geography. Originally from Bedford, NS, Canada but have spent a lot of time in Haliburton and Ottawa, Ontario. I have a passion for the outdoors and dogs.