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What's Coming in ArcGIS Online (November 2022)

10-10-2022 09:59 AM
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Esri Alum
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This blog was last updated: November 10, 2022

Please read this blog to learn more about the November Update. You may also watch the demo video.


The next update of ArcGIS Online is planned for November 9, 2022 from 5:00 p.m. to midnight (PT). Below are the planned updates. Please note that all planned updates are subject to change; thus, please check back to stay updated on the latest news regarding the upcoming release.

You may also test out these features by signing up for the ArcGIS Online Early Adopter Community (EAC) with your ArcGIS Online login. Within the ArcGIS Online testing environment, EAC members can try upcoming features, test compatibility with their existing workflows, influence product development, and engage with the ArcGIS Online development team and other members of the EAC. EAC opens on October 25.

Map Viewer


Greater visibility, customization, and control of hatch fills

Users will now be able to adjust angle, separation, and offset. Each setting will be configurable independently, allowing for greater customization and control of the overall effect. This extends the number of available hatch fills and allows map makers to use even greater nuance in differentiating multiple values in polygonal data.

Additionally, the symbol previews for hatch fills will show the hatch fill itself, rather than simply the solid strokes. Instead of seeing deconstructed component parts, users will see the expected visualization.


Support for related records

This enhancement will allow users to view a feature's related records from the feature popup. 


Read this blog to learn more about the Map Viewer enhancements.


New and enhanced editor for Arcade expressions


A new and enhanced editor for Arcade expressions will be available. The new Arcade Editor will also feature a fully mature code writing experience that will support auto-populated code suggestions based on the user’s data, search capability for functionals and constants, and flags for unassigned variables and coding errors.


Read this blog to learn more about the enhanced Arcade editor


Administrative Workflows


Visibility of last viewed date in the item report

 Administrators will be able to see when an item was last viewed using the item report. This helps identify stale and unused content in the organization.


Ability to specify a default set of member categories for new members

Administrators will be able to specify a default set of member categories to automatically assign to new members when they join the organization.


Increase the maximum limit of partnered collaborations

Currently, there is a default limit of 10 partnered collaborations per organization. With the upcoming update, the maximum number of partnered collaborations that an ArcGIS Online organization can engage in will be increased to 20.


ArcGIS Instant Apps


New onboarding messages

Onboarding messages for general settings and template-specific capabilities will be introduced to the app configuration experience of most of the templates. This enhancement will help app authors quickly familiarize themselves with the settings they are looking for while configuring the app.


Support for exporting data as a CSV file in Sidebar

Sidebar provides multiple tools and texts on a side panel to help showcase different locations on a map. In this update, Sidebar will allow viewers to export data from a data table as a CSV file.


Animation of multiple layers in Slider for numeric data

Slider uses a playable slider to bring time-enabled or numeric data to life. Slider currently animates data in the map based on its time-enabled layers or a specified numeric field for a single layer. In this update, the numeric slider will be able to animate multiple layers.


Read this blog to learn more about the improvements to ArcGIS Instant Apps


Deprecations and Retirements


The following products or functionalities will be retiring with the ArcGIS Online November 2022 release:


  • ArcGIS Dashboards Classic will retire with this update. Any dashboards last updated in ArcGIS Dashboards Classic will automatically upgrade and open with the newest version of ArcGIS Dashboards. We recommend that users open their data sources in Map Viewer and the dashboards in ArcGIS Dashboards to verify all functionality in advance. Once verified, upgrade the dashboards by saving them. Please read this blog article to prepare for this retirement.
  • Requested extensions for the ArcGIS Online Legacy Home Page will expire on November 9. Customers’ legacy home page will be replaced automatically with a default home page. Please read this blog article for more information on transitioning to the new home page.
  • Presentation for Map Viewer Classic will be deprecated with this update. Users are encouraged to use the Exhibit template in ArcGIS Instant Apps to re-create existing presentations. Read this support article to learn more.
  • The Minimalist template in ArcGIS Instant Apps will be deprecated on November 9. It is recommended that users utilize the more recent Sidebar template to create new apps for the same purpose as Minimalist. Please read this blog article to learn more.
Honored Contributor

Looking forward to seeing custom image symbols again, plus decent hatch symbol options!

Emerging Contributor

Forgive me if this isn't the proper place to ask this, but I have two major issues with the new map viewer and was wondering if they are being addressed.  They are "new" issues.  Neither of these issues exists in Map Viewer Classic:

1. Map Viewer alphabetizes the order of fields in attribute tables.  So in the popups the logical order of fields you set prior to publishing is lost.  I don't understand how this happened, and I really don't understand why it hasn't been fixed.

2. Related tables, which were accessible as a hyperlink in a layer's popup in map viewer classic are nowhere to be found in the popups in the new map viewer.

I've mentioned this to ESRI support several times ever since the new map viewer appeared but still no change.



Emerging Contributor

The lack of related table support renders Map Viewer useless for our organization. My staff really doesn't need more colors for heat maps or symbol aggregation options to mess with. Our police department, public works, city planning, admin, and the public need access to data stored in more than one table.

I do not understand how related tables are implemented in the original agol map viewer and still aren't in the new map viewer. 

Just venting here, but, maybe if more of us who need this functionality vent, then maybe, just maybe the next time our heart skips a beat when we get that email with the upcoming AGOL release our dreams will come true when we actual read that glorious bullet line item of "related table support in Map Viewer" 

just sayin,


MVP Esteemed Contributor

Yes there is no related table support.  I have been pushing and they originally said by the end of 2020!  No not a typo.  Then it was end of 2021, then by UC 2022, now it is back to "in plan".  I talked to the AGOL team directly on this more than once. Pretty hard to run a RDBMS without the R.

My big issue with the new map viewer is having the tables in a totally different section from layers.  How does this help us organize?  Plus the tables cannot be grouped like layers can.  Most businesses have way more tables than layers so continuing to treat them differently and not fully supporting them is a real miss for Esri.  I have spoken with them on this also (and they said they would look at adding grouping of tables but not moving them in with layers) but I feel they are telling us what we want vs listening to what we want.

Please allow us to intermingle tables and layers in the TOC!  We have maps that we need to group by functional unit and it is impossible.  I would love to be able to list ANY AGOL content in my maps really.  Linking to PDF help, CSV people lists, KML, whatever. 

Make the Esri Map Viewer the one stop shop.  If not people will go elsewhere.  As @MikeSmith8 said it is hard not to vent at this point because the priority list just makes no sense.  Get the core functions working before you worry about fancy colors.  Lack of real world experience on Esri teams IMHO.

thank you

Frequent Contributor

This is very frustrating. We are embarking on a statewide RDMS which has partly been developed for one region in the Classic Viewer and utilizes field maps, smart editor, etc. I don't understand ESRI's reluctance on this! I've promised the world to my agency on the premise that I can push this RDMS via AGOL and all its apps but fear that some pieces/parts may be retired mid-development. Seriously having to consider our options. 

Frequent Contributor

I'd love to see the option to add the related table field list and values into the popup. You can add another set of fields, text or even attachements but not the data in the related table. This is a must have! Now I have to use the mapviewer classic with a bunch of expressions and html to visualize the related data into the popup. 

Note: I know I can make a join view layer of these together but that's just more work and maintenance.

MVP Esteemed Contributor

@ZoevdbAT They had the UI to add them in Map Classic but they did not actually work, like for years, and still do not.  I asked on it and they knew they did not work but they remain there. 


I am right there with you - I now have 33 arcade expression in just one popup simply to see the related data which I then pass on via URL to 123 forms.  Even worse is FeatureSet functions have no query option on them.  So each of my 33 arcades have to call a layer with 100K records just to get the one record I need.  It gets so slow.  That is 3.3 million records I have to call into my popup just to show a few field values from a single record!  Even a way to call once and display many times would be great (I cannot make a list of them since I need to send each one to the form).

Again related tables are super powerful and really make the database world go round.  Please and thank you.


Frequent Contributor

@DougBrowning I very much agree with that, and the performance is the worst.

Emerging Contributor

thanks for updates .. before I move over our organization, i need to await until we have the analysis functions.  Is this possible in any of the updates?

Frequent Contributor

I kind of like the new Map Viewer for relationships. I was trying to figure out how to cycle through all related records for 1 bus stop and attach that to the popup in the original Map Viewer. Using an Expression this is possible, but the resulting HTML couldn't be read by the Custom Popup. I also tried to create a list, but then how can you work with that in the Custom Popup as it only allows straight HTML and inline CSS. But using the new Map Viewer's Arcade section for Popups, I was able to attach to the relationship, select all of the related records for the current point, build an HTML table and present it in the popup.  Definitely a much better situation.


var tblRidership = FeatureSetByRelationshipName($feature,"GISBusRidership",
    ['stopID', 'FiscalYear','groupVal', 'Total_Weekday_Fares',
        'Avg_Weekday_Fares', 'Total_Friday_Fares','Avg_Friday_Fares',

// Sort related ridership by oldest to newest
var tblRidershipSorted = OrderBy(tblRidership, 'FiscalYear, groupVal ASC')

// Build the popup string by iterating through all related features
var strPop = '<p style="font-size: 1.6em; color: #0e4f49;">Ridership for bus stop ';
strPop += '<br />' + $feature.Location + '</p>';
strPop += '<table border="1" style="width: 191px; color: #ffffff; background-color: #177c72; border-color: #ffffff;"><tbody>' + NL
strPop += '<tr><td style="width: 50px; background-color: #12635b; text-align: center;"><strong>Year</strong></td>';
strPop += '<td style="width: 24px; background-color: #12635b; text-align: center;"><strong>Quarter</strong></td>';
strPop += '<td style="width: 50px; background-color: #12635b; text-align: center;"><strong>Avg Weekday</strong></td>';
strPop += '<td style="width: 50px; background-color: #12635b; text-align: center;"><strong>Avg Friday</strong></td>';
strPop += '<td style="width: 50px; background-color: #12635b; text-align: center;"><strong>Avg Saturday</strong></td>';
strPop += '<td style="width: 50px; background-color: #12635b; text-align: center;"><strong>Avg Sunday</strong></td></tr>';

for (var f in tblRidershipSorted) {
    strPop += '<tr><td style="width: 71px; background-color: #12635b; text-align: center; padding: 4px;"><strong>' + f.FiscalYear + '</strong></td>';
    strPop += '<td style="width: 24px; background-color: #12635b; text-align: center;"><strong>' + f.groupVal + '</strong></td>';
    strPop += '<td style="width: 50px; background-color: #12635b; text-align: center;"><strong>' + 
	    DefaultValue(f.Avg_Weekday_Fares, 'no data') + '</strong></td>';
    strPop += '<td style="width: 50px; background-color: #12635b; text-align: center;"><strong>' + 
		DefaultValue(f.Avg_Friday_Fares, 'no data') + '</strong></td>';
    strPop += '<td style="width: 50px; background-color: #12635b; text-align: center;"><strong>' + 
		DefaultValue(f.Avg_Saturday_Fares, 'no data') + '</strong></td>';
    strPop += '<td style="width: 50px; background-color: #12635b; text-align: center;"><strong>' + 
		DefaultValue(f.Avg_Sunday_Fares, 'no data') + '</strong></td></tr>';

strPop += '</tbody></table>';

return {
    "type": "text",
    "text": strPop


And performance seems pretty good. Here's a link if you want to try it: 


Emerging Contributor

rad, thanks for the workaround, and sharing your example!

Occasional Contributor

GREAT WORKS ESRI - Keep it up.

Looking forward to seeing how mappers involved in sustainable development (and the SDG challenge process) can get more involved.   

University of California and California State Universities students and professors are taking the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) challenge seriously.  Pleased to learn more about any new collaborations with the Sustainable Development Solutions Network 10 year of collaborations for sustainable development 

Frequent Contributor

@HenryLyell , @DougBrowning , @MikeSmith8@JeffreyWilkerson They added support for related records in the Mapviewers' popup. See the blog or following line: 

Support for Related Records

This enhancement will allow users to view a feature's related records from the feature popup.

MVP Esteemed Contributor

@ZoevdbAT Where did you see this can you post a link.  It may be listed as coming soon but I am still not seeing it in the map.

Frequent Contributor

@DougBrowning It is added to the blog post we are commenting on. So if I understand correctly it will be implemented nov 9th!

Frequent Contributor

Based on the one line description of the solution, I don't have a clue what has been done:

Support for Related Records

This enhancement will allow users to view a feature's related records from the feature popup.

What does "view" mean in this context?  Are they fully editable (added, removed, changed to a new parent in the map or field apps?  Is there a plan for a Map Viewer patch for current version of Enterprise (10.9.1)?

Occasional Contributor

New to Map Viewer, read the update and concern about the R in RDBMS, so poked around and found these somewhat related (no pun) links so far:


"FAQ: Is it possible to add or delete related records when editing a related table in ArcGIS Online Map Viewer?" Last Published: 2/17/2022


"FAQ: Is it possible to add relationships to a hosted feature service in ArcGIS Online?" Last Published: 8/7/2022


"Create apps from maps" (today)


"If the feature layer has related tables, you can edit the related records associated with the attributes. If the feature layer has related features from other layers, you can edit those features and ensure the relationship is inherited. If the feature layer supports attachments, you can create, view, and delete attachments. Optionally, you can enable the toolbar for advanced feature editing." (today)



I hope these links help!

Frequent Contributor
These links are referring to very old (Collector has been replaced) apps or relationships do not work with the new Map Viewer on Enterprise at least (only Map Viewer Classic).
Frequent Contributor

Yes, the lack of capabilities this thread is talking about mostly pertains to the new map viewer and Experience Builder. The fact that many of these things were possible (or at least more possible) in Classic map viewer and Web App Builder make it all the more frustrating. Esri wants us to move workflows to current environments, when those environments don't yet have the functions, we've built existing workflows on. It happens every time a major change is made to the ArcGIS Platform.

Regular Contributor

Our organization makes extensive use of Map Image Layers registered from our ArcGIS Servers to ArcGIS Online. Map Viewer Classic gives me the ability to create custom popups for individual index layers within a map image layer and save them back to the registered map image layer. This means that every user who adds my map image layer to any kind of map will get my custom popup. The New Map Viewer does not currently have the ability to save that type of customization to a Map Image Layer.  Is there a plan in place to replicate this functionality in the new map viewer?

Frequent Contributor

We started going even farther back and setting the desired popups in ArcGIS Pro. That way every time that we updated a featureclass Online the popup information would come forward and reset the ArcGIS Online one. The only issue is that the Expressions don't come over so if you have those in Pro you need to recreate them Online (as they get lost when you do an update of Online data), although having them documented in Pro seems safer. I wish the popup customization capacity was the same across the board, from Pro to Online, for consistancy purposes.

MVP Esteemed Contributor

Are pop ups still not resizable or movable?  You can dock it but not resize or move it around it seems.  I thought that was coming.  Or can I control the size somehow?  I have popups where like one char does not fit and goes to a new line.  Messes the formatting all up.

Also in classic when i try to use spaces to tab things over it just removes the spaces on me all the time.


Frequent Contributor

Btw I'm hoping view related records from the popup doesn't mean the same functionality as in the Map Viewer Classic, where you click the related records and it opens the attribute table. I actually want to add some field from the related table into the popup as my previous comment states. 

Frequent Contributor

I thought I showed you how to add a related tables data in the previous code? What kind of related data are you looking to add to the popup?

Frequent Contributor

@JeffreyWilkerson Yeah I know and I already use Arcade and HTML to show them in my popups (in Classic and New). But why not No Code and a ready to use Fields list of the related table.

Using HTML and Arcade comes with higher maintenance and affects performance in Webapps and Fieldmaps (in my experience).  

Regular Contributor

Anyone now having issues with Minimal Gallery Apps?  Seems all of ours, which staff use to access content specific to group designations, are blank pages now.

Esri Contributor

Hi Nathan,

Thanks for posting! We have discovered an issue with the Minimalist Gallery App after last night's release that we are tracking as BUG-000153629. We anticipate this will be resolved in the next day or so.




ArcGIS Online Advocacy Lead

Regular Contributor
Thanks for that information.

Is there any way that Esri can improve notification of outages?

I'm sure the technology exists to even directly contact administrators who have affected apps when instances like this occur, even the AGO Health Dashboard might be a starting point. We leverage these apps for a substantial portion of access to our AGO infrastructure. Perhaps I'm just not tied into the right channels for staying on top of things.

Frequent Contributor

I'm very happy with the way the support of related records worked out. Thanks Esri!

Also very happy with the provided roadmap on what's to come. Click this for the blog on related reco...