I have noticed that on occasion if you are logged into two organizations, the wrong organization is used when accessing Files from a Notebook - you end up getting the error message below:
This occurs when you click on the file hyperlink
Hey Shannon Kalisky,
I have noticed that this also affects saves and does not give an error message.
Here is how you can replicate it:
Tab 1 - Open a Notebook in Org A
Tab 1 - Save the Notebook - Saves as expected
Tab 2 - Open the homepage from Org B
*Go back to Tab 1
Tab 1 - Save the Notebook - Get 'Notebook saved' message, but it doesn't actually save as error response is returned from the server which you can see through Dev Tools
See replication video here: ArcGIS Notebooks - Multiple Organizations - YouTube
I have noticed this while playing around with Notebooks but couldn't pinpoint the cause. Ultimately it results in data loss as the end-user thinks it's saved, while it in fact is not.
I have also noticed a Connection failed/Notebook Disconnected message appear a few times which I think may be related - screenshot below:
A refresh usually fixes it.
Anyway seems like something that should be addressed.
Thanks Mikie,
I've passed this on to the dev team. Are you still seeing the behavior since we've pushed to the public beta? A test would be can you still see this behavior today?
Hi Shannon - thanks for the follow up. Yes I can confirm that I still see the same behaviour in the latest beta.
Hi Mikie,
I ran through your issue and I can reproduce - but we don't support concurrent logins to different organisations which is why we're seeing this issue. Are you still able to reproduce the issue if you log out of one organisation before switching to the other organisation? Is something requiring you to stay logged in to both organisations at once?
Hey Josh - thanks for your quick follow up.
No this only occurs when you move between organizations without logging in/out. In our case we have several mine sites, each of which has it's own ArcGIS Online organization. So switching between organizations is a pretty common workflow for us. Understood that this is not supported in Notebooks. I would note that saving web maps using the same methodology is not problematic. I'm sure there is more to it, but it seems like the token associated with that specific organization just needs to be accessed.
On a side note, I think the behavior whereby a 'Notebook Saved' message is displayed even through the rest request returns an error message should be altered to notify the end user.
Nice job though - big fan of Notebooks.
Hi Mikie,
Thanks for your feedback. We're discussing how we can go about resolving this. You're right, the 'Notebook Saved' notification definitely needs to be corrected. I'll update you when we come to a solution!