Webhooks are a really powerful new feature of ArcGIS Enteprise, allowing org admins and developers to build workflows hat are triggered by events occuring within ArcGIS Enterprise. One of the big limitations of webhooks for many enterprises however is receiving them. Many organizations do not have access to PowerBI, MS Flow, AWS Lambda Integromat, Zappier or other public services to facilitate the processing of these webhooks.
ArcGIS Notebooks and Notebook Server are also incredibly powerful features, supporting hosted python runtime environments that can be triggered for execution via the REST APIs Execute Notebook operation.
What would be really great would be if we could somehow subscribe a given notebook to a given webhook event and when that webhook fired, the notebook could receive the payload and execute.
This would allow us to have a completely self-contained webhooks environment for both sending and receiving webhook events, processing them and performing some logic based on the event occuring.