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Add "Adjust for Daylight Savings Time" to Scheduled Tasks

11-08-2021 03:12 PM
MVP Esteemed Contributor

Twice a year, I have to go into my scheduled Notebooks and adjust their scheduled times. Notebooks that used to run at 4:30 PM today ran at 3:30 PM. The ways to address this problem, as I see it:

  1. Abolish Daylight Savings
  2. Switch everything to UTC
  3. Somehow account for DST in the Notebook Task schedule

Of the three, #3 seems the most likely to actually happen, so I'm suggesting it here.

I only have a couple scheduled notebooks where this actually matters, but shifting the execution time by an hour does matter quite a bit in those cases, and for reasons beyond my control, they need to execute within a particular window.

1 Comment
Status changed to: Under Consideration

Hi @jcarlson Scheduled tasks use UTC time for everything. There seems to be a bug in UI when creating scheduled tasks where the start time saved is off by 1-hour in some cases, which is resulting in this behavior. We are looking into this issue.
