Subway map published to network analysis service.
select A as start station, B as destination station. then routeTask.solve(paras,function(resultRoutes){});
why only one route returned while obviously there are multiple routes?
Code snippets:
var routeTask = new esri.tasks.RouteTask(networkService);
var routeParas = new esri.tasks.RouteParameters();
routeParas.outSpatialReference = map.spatialReference; //outspatialReference of rp
routeParas.returnRoutes = true;
routeParas.stops = new esri.tasks.FeatureSet(); //stops of rp, each stop is a esri.Grahic
routeParas.stops.features.push(tempGra1); //start station
routeParas.stops.features.push(tempGra2);//end station
var routeSymbol = new esri.symbol.SimpleLineSymbol().setColor(new dojo.Color([0, 0, 255, 0.5])).setWidth(5);
routeTask.solve(routeParas, function (solveResults) {
alert(solveResults.routeResults.length);//always one route,why?
Any help will be appreciated.