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What's new in the network dataset build process for Arc 10?

11-03-2011 08:51 AM
Deactivated User
Can you please point me to a reference document that tells me how Arc 10 Network Analyst build function is different from previous versions?

I'm rebuilding a road network using a feature class of lines for the roads. In older versions of Arc (pre-10) when I used my own set of nodes (i.e. intersections) to override system junctions, I got 21730 edges after building. Now, in Arc 10, with exactly the same data and using my nodes to override, the network dataset builds out at 23786 edges. This is a substantial difference and fundamentally affects my results. What is Arc 10 doing during the build process that is different than what 9.3 and earlier did?
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1 Reply
Deactivated User
I just figured this out. Because I specified network attributes for the network dataset, which were based on attributes of the feature class, additional edges following that topology were added. So, where I had one line feature in my feature class, which may have been converted into several connecting edges in the network due to the junctions, the build also added an additional edge with the attribute I specified along the entire length of the original feature, resulting in multiple edges between nodes. To solve this, I removed the attributes from the network dataset and rebuilt the dataset. I now have the correct number of edges, but, unfortunately, no attributes.
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