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Values in Tobreak in Service Area Analysis

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03-21-2019 10:17 AM
New Contributor II

I do fire station modeling for a countywide fire department.  Estimated drivetimes to an incident are a huge factor when deciding where to locate new fire stations.  To get those numbers for decision makers, I create a Service Area in Network Analyst using our existing stations and any potential station changes the Chiefs are considering. 

I create a new service area and set the default break to 20 (minutes) as this is higher than any actual drivetime that will be returned.  The resulting polygons provide me with a Tobreak value that is the maximum modeled drivetime encountered in that service area (e.g. 5.231).  In the last month or so, I have stopped getting the maximum modeled drivetime and instead the Tobreak field is just whatever Default Break parameter I set, regardless of the actual size of the service area.  

I'm currently using ArcGIS Desktop 10.6

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12 Replies
New Contributor II

Thank you for working with me on this.  I switched over to a network dataset with a the Service Area Index option checked on and I am still not getting the desired result.  I have not worked with Pro fore for more than a day but I was able to blindly stab enough to to get a service area to return the desired result.  Is it possible to quickly covert an existing model into a format that Pro can understand?  I'm not finding any solid documentation on how to import ArcMap models into Pro.

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Esri Regular Contributor

Models built in ArcMap should generally just work if you run them in ArcGIS Pro.  For any more detailed help on porting stuff into Pro, you might need to contact Esri Support.  They could also help you debug your ArcMap service area problem in more detail.  Be sure to show them this thread.

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New Contributor II

Okay, I so closed out of ArcMap after removing the network dataset I had been using.  Restarted the program and brought in the dataset with the Service Area Index option checked on.  I did a test with a simple Service Area Analysis and it gave me the desired result. I then went into my model and updated the network dataset and now I'm getting the correct result.

Thank you for taking the time to work this out with me!

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