Troubleshooting Network Dataset Analysis for Route Comparison Project

03-20-2024 02:17 PM
New Contributor

I'm currently working on a project that involves comparing the results of a closest route analysis with Google Maps to assess the accuracy of my speed assumptions. The project uses time as the cost metric to determine the fastest route, and I'm utilizing the USA TIGER road dataset for this analysis.

Issue: I've encountered a problem where the closest route analysis (using a solver) fails to return results unless the points are in a straight line and close to each other.


The solver seems to only work when the route is a straight line.

I've set the impedance as either !Time1! or !Time2! , with an alternative cost of !Length_Miles!, which represents the shape length in miles. After verifying the Time1 and Time columns, they appear to be accurate. For instance, if a road is 55 miles long and my speed assumption for this road type equates to 55 miles per hour, the solver should return a duration of 55 minutes.

The network dataset's junctions were properly constructed.


Could the issue be related to a broken network dataset topology?

Are there any steps I might be missing or additional troubleshooting tips anyone can recommend?

I appreciate any insights or suggestions you might have. Thank you in advance for your help!

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1 Reply
Esri Regular Contributor

You can use the Explore Network tool to look at the connectivity of the network. Most likely the edges are not connected, and it could be due to a number of reasons including whether the data needs End point or Any vertex connectivity. The Explore tool should give you a clue on how the edges are connected and if the impedance values are correct. More info on the tool here:

Explore Network—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation

Jay Sandhu

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