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Stream order, only grid code 1

12-17-2012 04:36 AM
New Contributor
Dear all

I am trying to get a stream order network using spatial analyst. I have used the Stream order tool before and the result was a network with grid codes from 1 to 5. This time, with another DEM, I am only getting streams with grid code 1. I am using a flow direction raster and a flow accumulation raster (after Con tool, value > 1000) as inputs. In the flow accumulation con raster I can see all the streams, but after using the Stream Order tool some of these streams disappear. Please find the pictures attached.
Do someone understand why I got this result?

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2 Replies
Occasional Contributor III
Is it a symbology problem? - It appears to be mostly order 1 stuff.. ??

Another program/extension that works well for doing this is GeoHMS.  You won't have to run any sort of manual raster calculations to get streams of a certain size, as the stream definition tool allows you to specify min drainage area.
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New Contributor
I think that it's not a symbology problem. When I generated the stream features I only got the polylines that was visable in the raster.

Thank you for the recommendation about using GeoHMS! I works, but I get over 100 grid codes and it is difficult to present that result. Perhaps it is something wrong with the DEM.
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